
Information for Scandinavian Cup and Smart Energy Cup

The weather forecast for the competitions in Gällivare indicates cold weather but in the margin to arrange the competitions.
The forecast says: Friday: -14/-17 Saturday: -15/-20 Sunday: -15/-20
For Scandinavian Cup, the cold limit is -17 degrees, and for the Smart Energy Cup, the cold limit is -20 degrees.
The jury has its first meeting today at 17:00 and will continuously follow up on the forecasts. Information will be presented here.
Temperature measurements are carried out inside the stadium area and at places along the course (lowest point – highest point) where extreme values can be expected.
Here we can use the rule that applies to long-distance races (388.2.1) to give advice/instructions on clothing:
388 Cold Weather Precautions
388.1 Background
388.1.1 There are three main factors to be considered by the Jury regarding cold weather safety: the temperature; the duration of the exposure; and, the clothing and other protection against cold weather. These factors together with any other relevant information such as the “wind chill factor” must be taken into consideration when a decision is made regarding cold weather.
388.2 Between minus 15 ° and minus 25 °C 388.2.1 If the temperature level is forecast to be between minus 15 °C and minus 25 °C at any point on the course, recommendations regarding cold weather protection should be made available to the competitors. Under such conditions it is the responsibility of the competitors to seek the information and to follow the recommendations given by the organizer.

As organizers, we recommend that the athletes wear clothing for cold weather. For example, you can use devices to warm shoes and gloves.



Väderprognosen för tävlingarna i Gällivare pekar på kyligt väder men möjligt att arrangera tävlingar.

Prognosen säger:Fredag: -14/-17Lördag: -15/20Söndag: -15/20
För Skandinavisk cup är köldgräns -17 grader för Snart energy cup är köldgräns -20.

Juryn har ett första möte idag klockan 17.00 och kommer att följa upp prognoserna kontinuerligt.Information kommer att presenteras här.Temperaturmätningarna genomförs inne på stadionområdet samt på platser längs banan (lägsta punkt – högsta punkt) där extrema värden kan förvänta

Här kan vi  använda regeln som gäller långlopp (388.2.1) för att ge råd/föreskrifter om klädsel.

388 Cold Weather Precautions

388.1 Background

388.1.1 There are three main factors to be considered by the Jury regarding cold weather safety: the temperature; the duration of the exposure; and, the clothing and other protection against cold weather. These factors together with any other relevant information such as the “wind chill factor” must be taken into consideration when a decision is made regarding cold weather.

388.2 Between minus 15 ° and minus 25 °C

388.2.1 If the temperature level is forecast to be between minus 15 °C and minus 25 °C at any point on the course, recommendations regarding cold weather protection should be made available to the competitors. Under such conditions it is the responsibility of the competitors to seek the information and to follow the recommendations given by the organiser.

Som arrangör rekommenderar vi att åkarna använder kläder för kallt väder. Ni kan till exempel använda anordning för att värma skor och handskar.
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