
Tävlande för svenska föreningar gör anmälan via respektive förenings Tävlingskalender. Sista anmälningsdag är tisdag 14 november. Betalning i samband med anmälan. Efteranmälan kan göras fram till och med onsdag 15 november. Se inbjudan för mer information.
Utländska tävlande anmäler sig via anmälningsformulär nedan.

Foreign athletes register their entry via the registration form available below. Last day to enter is Tuesday 14 November.

Entry fee is 350 SEK per athlete and raceday. Registration is valid when payment has been received. The entry fee is paid to Gellivare Skidallians IK no later than Tuesday 14 November. (Mark payment with club/ nation. Also name if it is posible):
1. Gellivare Skidallians IK, bankgiro 5698-8090
2. Gellivare Skidallians IK, Swish 123 299 21 54
3. IBAN: SE86 8000 0826 4405 3160 7265 (updated 09/11/23)
BIC: SWEDSESS (updated 09/11/23)
Gellivare Skidallians IK, Industrigatan 6, 982 31 Gällivare, SWEDEN

Late entry is allowed until Wednesday 15 November. Late entry fee is 525 SEK per athlete and race day. Late entry should be sent by e-mail to
Payment of the late entry fee can be made by credit card or Swish at Race Office before collecting bibs.
For more information, see the invitation.

Entry form Cross Country
Competition: Gällivarepremiären 2023 (FIS), Gällivare SWE
Date: 17-11-23 – 19-11-23


    Participates in the following races

    17-11-23 - Sprint 1335 m - Classic (*)
    Women 21 1335 mMen 21 1335 mNo

    18-11-23 - 10 km Classic - Interval start (*)
    Women 21 10 kmMen 21 10 kmNo

    19-11-23 - 10 km Free - Interval start (*)
    Women 21 10 kmMen 21 10 kmNo

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