Evolution of Skiing

Since 1000 BC, people have been using skis in Gällivare. See the 3000 year old Suorravuoma skis today in Gällivare Museum. The first skis >>


The twin cities of Gällivare-Malmberget are just a few kilometers from Jokkmokk, where the first official Swedish ski competition took place. Nordenskiöldsloppet, as it was called, was held in 1884, and it was predominantly local Sami people who traversed its 220 kilometers. The first competitions >>


Dundret Runt has seen thousands of participants through the years, and the 48th edition on March 31st of this year saw a record-breaking 1100 people at the starting line in Hellner Stadium. Dundret Runt >>


When the World Cup was held for the first and only time in Norrbotten, it happened on Dundret 1983, together with the Top of Europe Trophy. Slalom >>


This story is about Janne Boklöv, who invented the V-style, challenging the norm and creating the new standard by which the whole world operates.
Ski Jump >>


Malmberget’s Skidgymnasiet celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2011.. They have developed some huge names in the world of cross-country over the years, including Christer Majbäck, Niklas Jonsson, Lina Andersson, and more recently, Charlotte Kalla and local talent Marcus Hellner. Just to name a few… Cross-Country >>


Gällivare-Malmberget has a proud history of organizing large ski events. Since 1995 has Gällivare arranged FIS Cross Country World Cup six times. Events >>


Gällivare – development of skiing during 3000 years!!

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